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Installation manuals for "Utsusemi"

稲村 泰弘  

Inamura, Yasuhiro


"Utsusemi" is a suite of software used to process data obtained from measurements of neutron scattering experiments at the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF), J-PARC. To directly obtain the physical quantities which scientists want to get from the data produced by instruments at MLF, many processes are required, such as creating histogram format data, easily visualizing and converting units and correcting intensity adapting the instrument conditions. "Utsusemi" software consists of many software components, many functions for data processing, graphical interface software for executing Utsusemi functions, data visualization applications, and so on. "Utsusemi" has already played an important role in data processing and has been widely employed in MLF beamlines. This document describes how to install the "Utsusemi" software on each operating system to be of help of instrument staff and users who want to process data by themselves. Installation of "Utsusemi" on Windows and macOS requires only general knowledge of working with PC applications according to this document.



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