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Report No.

Practical gamma ray measurement of short half-life noble gas ($$^{135}$$Xe, $$^{88}$$Kr) emitted by fuel debris for criticality estimation

Riyana, E. S.   ; Sakamoto, Masahiro ; Matsumura, Taichi ; Terashima, Kenichi  ; Okumura, Keisuke ; Kanno, Ikuo

Our previous study showed a linear relationship between the activity ratio of $$^{88}$$Kr to $$^{135}$$Xe and the effective multiplication factor, ${it k$_{eff}$}$, in a primary containment vessel (PCV) and in a fuel debris canister. The accuracy of the activity ratio, which closely related to the accuracy of predicted ${it k$_{eff}$}$, is estimated based on an existing gamma ray energy spectrum. Practical measurement method for the gamma ray from nuclides in the PCV and the fuel debris canister gas is proposed.



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