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Report No.

Demonstration of an incinerator for flame-retarded TRU wastes, 9; Technical report on renewal of incinerator for incinerating waste containing alpha nuclides

Maki, Shota; Yamashita, Kiyoto; Yokosuka, Kazuhiro; Fukui, Masahiro; Watahiki, Masatoshi 

Plutonium contaminated flame retardant wastes often contain chlorides it has become a key issue to establish required technologies for incinerating them, effectively. However, due to long-term operation, multiple cracks originating from the combustion air holes that supply combustion-promoting air into the furnace and the refractory inside the incinerator become more embrittled, making it difficult to continue safe operation. As a result, we set up an enclosure to prevent the spread of contamination, replaced the incinerator within it, and obtained data that can be reflected in the development of future incineration equipment.



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