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Subangstrom tuning of pore size for selective separation of radioactive strontium over environmental calcium by lanthanide-oxalate frameworks

Nankawa, Takuya ; Sekine, Yurina   ; Yamada, Teppei*

Selective separation of radioactive ions is essential for reducing or cleaning radioactive wastes. Among the radioisotopes to be removed, $$^{90}$$Sr poses a major threat to human health and the environment. However, removal of $$^{90}$$Sr from environmental wastewater is still challenging due to the difficulty of separating $$^{90}$$Sr$$^{2+}$$ from Ca$$^{2+}$$. Here, we developed a series of isostructural lanthanide oxalate frameworks (LOFs) comprising oxalate and eight kinds of lanthanide (Ln) ions, i.e., from Samarium (Sm) to Thulium (Tm) for application to selective removal of $$^{90}$$Sr from wastewater using its tuned porous structure. The LOFs had ion exchangeable anionic pores, in which the size of the pores changed in a stepwise manner depending on the host Ln species. When Tb was the host Ln of the LOF, the LOF showed extremely high Sr$$^{2+}$$ selectivity and was able to distinguish the subtle difference in ionic radius (0.2 ${AA}$) between Sr$$^{2+}$$ and Ca$$^{2+}$$. The Sr$$^{2+}$$ selectivity was higher than that of conventional adsorbents. The pore size tuning of the LOFs by selecting the constituent Ln species yielded a highly ion-selective adsorbent material. This novel strategy will be useful in developing custom porous materials that are easy to prepare and applicable across various fields.



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