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Report No.

Effects of nozzle orifice shape on jet breakup and splashing during liquid jet impact onto a horizontal plate

Sun, G.*; Zhan, Y.*; Okawa, Tomio*; Aoyagi, Mitsuhiro ; Uchibori, Akihiro ; Okano, Yasushi

Experiments were carried out on the liquid jet ejected from oval nozzles to investigate the effects of nozzle orifice shape on jet behavior. At low and high liquid flow rates, the liquid jet behaved similarly to the circular jet in our previous studies; the jet breakup lengths and the size of the droplets formed after the jet breakup were expressed by similar dimensionless correlations as those for the circular jet. At the intermediate liquid flow rate, a bamboo leaf-like structure formed on the liquid jet dominated the jet breakup. The jet breakup lengths were therefore correlated using a theory for the surface tension-induced shape oscillation of elliptical fluid. These correlations enabled to estimate the liquid jet state at any distance from the nozzle. It was also confirmed that if the state of the liquid jet at the impact point is known, the splash rate and the size of the splashed droplets can be predicted satisfactorily using the available correlations based on the experimental data for the circular jet.



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