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Report No.

Validation and advancement of uranium dating method by alpha spectrometry for nuclear forensics

Yokoyama, Akihiko*; Uesugi, Masaki*; Matsui, Yoshiki; Umino, Yuji*; Kimura, Yoshiki  ; Yamaguchi, Tomoki 

Collaboration of JAEA and Kanazawa University has verified the analysis accuracy for the establishment of nuclear forensics uranium dating method by alpha-ray spectrometry. In the chemical separation, uranium standards are used to quantify Th-230 produced. In this case, the target for the existence ratio with U-234 is about 1/10000. Therefore, a recovery correction with a tracer was performed and the results were compared with those obtained by a mass spectrometer. In addition, we examined technical issues that contribute to improving analysis accuracy and speeding up analysis time.



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