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Report No.

Real-time observation of oxidation process on GaN surfaces by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

Sumiya, Masatomo*; Tsuda, Yasutaka   ; Sumita, Masato*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka 

Synchrotron radiation X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was employed to clarify the oxidized states on the polar and m-plane GaN surfaces under exposure of various oxidation gases of H$$_{2}$$O, O$$_{2}$$, N$$_{2}$$O, and NO. It was found that H$$_{2}$$O vapor has the higher reactivity. The oxygen was hardly adsorbed on the surface by irradiating N$$_{2}$$O and NO gases. Apparently, two oxidation states for O$$_{2}$$ and H$$_{2}$$O irradiation were detected on +c GaN surface. Physisorption of O$$_{2}$$ molecule was dominate. The dissociation and adsorption of H$$_{2}$$O molecules co-existed on the +c surface. The chemisorption on the m-plane of GaN was dominant, and a stable Ga-O bond was formed on the surface. These chemical oxygen states were simulated by density functional molecular dynamics calculation using a theoretical model including both electronic spins on the surfaces and the polarity of GaN.



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