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Report No.

Development of reactor vessel thermal-hydraulic analysis method in natural circulation conditions; Investigation of thermal-hydraulic analysis model for interwrapper gap between assemblies

Hamase, Erina ; Miyake, Yasuhiro*; Imai, Yasutomo*; Doda, Norihiro  ; Ono, Ayako ; Tanaka, Masaaki  

In sodium-cooled fast reactors, decay heat removal systems under natural circulation with a dipped-type direct heat exchanger (D-DHX) have been investigated. During the D-DHX operation, the cold sodium from the D-DHX flows into the assemblies and the interwrapper gap (IWG) between them. To evaluate such phenomena in design studies, the reactor vessel thermal-hydraulic analysis method (RV-CFD) which has the accuracy required for design studies while reducing the computational cost is required. In this study, with the aim of developing the practical RV-CFD with a low computational cost, the influence of the combination of the mesh number in the IWG and the pressure loss coefficient on the core temperature distribution was investigated through the numerical analysis of a sodium experimental apparatus named PLANDTL-1.



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