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Report No.

Seafood dose parameters; Updating $$^{210}$$Po retention factors for cooking, decay loss and mariculture

Johansen, M. P.*; Carpenter, J. G.*; Charmasson, S.*; Gwynn, J. P.*; McGinnity, P.*; Mori, Airi; Orr, B.*; Simon-Cornu, M.*; Osvath, I.*

$$^{210}$$Po has been identified as one of the main contributors to ingestion doses to humans, particularly from the consumption of seafood. The amount of $$^{210}$$Po activity concentration data for various types of seafood has increased greatly in recent times. However, to provide realistic seafood dose assessments, most $$^{210}$$Po data requires correction to account for losses that can occur before the seafood is actually consumed. We develop generic correction factors for the main processes associated with reduction of $$^{210}$$Po in seafood - leaching during cooking, radioactive decay between harvest and consumption, and sourcing from mariculture versus wild-caught. When seafood is cooked, the overall mean fraction of $$^{210}$$Po retained is 0.74 for all cooking and seafood types, with the means for various seafoods and cooking categories ranging from 0.56 to 1.03. When considering radioactive decay between harvest and consumption, the overall mean fraction remaining is 0.81 across all seafood preservation/packaging types, with estimates ranging from 0.50 (canned seafood) to 0.98 (fresh seafood). Regarding mariculture influence, the available limited data suggest marine fish and crustaceans raised with processed feed have about one order of magnitude lower $$^{210}$$Po muscle content than wild-caught seafood of the same or similar species, although this ratio varies. Overall, this study concludes that $$^{210}$$Po activity concentrations in seafood at the time of ingestion may be reduced to only about 55% compared to when it was harvested. Therefore, correction factors must be applied to any data derived from environmental monitoring in order to achieve realistic dose estimates. The data also suggest lower $$^{210}$$Po ingestion doses for consumers who routinely favour cooked, long shelf-life and farmed fish/crustaceans. However, more data is needed in some categories, especially for cooking of molluscs and seaweed, and for the $$^{210}$$Po content in all farmed seafood.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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