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Atmospheric ionizations by solar X-rays, solar protons, and radiation belt electrons in September 2017 space weather event

Murase, Kiyoka*; Kataoka, Ryuho*; Nishiyama, Takanori*; Sato, Kaoru*; Tsutsumi, Masaki*; Tanaka, Yoshimasa*; Ogawa, Yasunobu*; Sato, Tatsuhiko   

Comprehensive understandings of their global impact on the atmosphere require whole pictures of spatio-temporal distributions of the ionization due to them. We estimate the altitude profiles of the ionization rate during the space weather event occurred in September 2017 by using the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS) with input of the particle fluxes obtained by satellites. The estimates are then compared with measurements of the ionization altitude, ionization intensity, and electron density by the radars in the polar region such as the PANSY radar at Syowa Station and the EISCAT in Tromso, Norway. We conclude that the PHITS simulation results reproduce those ionizations measured by ground-based instruments with inputs of observed ionization sources by satellites within a factor of 2.



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Category:Astronomy & Astrophysics



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