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Report No.

Dynamics of liquid polymer alkylated polythiophene

Nirei, Masami; Shinohara, Akira*; Nakanishi, Takashi*; Kawamura, Seiko   ; Akiba, Hiroshi*; Yamamuro, Osamu*; Kofu, Maiko   

It is empirically known that introducing alkyl chains into polymers makes them plasticize, more flexible, and soluble in solvent. However, the detailed mechanism is not well understood. The disorder of alkyl chains, causing large configurational entropy, could decrease free energy and stabilize the liquid state. In this research, we have taken alkylated polythiophenes with branched alkyl chains (PT2/6, PT8/12) and straight alkyl chains (PT8). Their glass transition temperature (Tg) decreases with increasing alkyl chain length. We have measured quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS) of them to investigate the dynamics of the main/side chains. As a result, most H atoms in alkyl chains are highly mobile. That indicates the alkyl chains are disordered and produce high entropy. In the presentation, we will discuss the details of relaxation processes, including local motions and translational diffusion of alkyl chains, and also compare branched alkyl chains with linear alkyl chains.



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