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Report No.

Neutron flux estimation and neutronics characteristics calculation in post-JMTR conceptual study

Oizumi, Akito   ; Akie, Hiroshi  

After the decision of decommissioning JMTR (Japan Materials Testing Reactor), Japan Atomic Energy Agency investigated the possibility to construct a new irradiation test reactor to succeed JMTR (post-JMTR), and the final report of the investigated result was submitted to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology on March 30th 2021. This investigation was carried out in 4 steps of (1) selection of reactor type, (2) reactor core plans studies, (3) neutronic studies, (4) thermal studies, and was finally (5) considered and evaluated. This JAEA-Technology report summarizes the process and the results of (3) neutronic studies. Neutron fluxes were calculated at irradiation sample positions in the investigated cores, the standard core and the compact core, and the calculated fluxes satisfied the required irradiation capability. It was also evaluated the two investigated cores' continuous reactor operation time in days in one refueling cycle, and the results guaranteed an operation days equality with that of existing JMTR. In addition, neutronic characteristics of the cores were estimated, such as power distribution in the core, control rod reactivity worth, reactivity coefficients, distribution of fuel burnup rate of each fuel element, and kinetics parameters. The evaluated neutronic characteristics were used in the post-JMTR final investigation report to confirm the neutronic feasibility by comparing with the neutronic limiting values of existing JMTR, and to estimate the cooling capability to make the core thermally feasible.



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