Interaction of millisecond kW-class laser pulses with metals and metal oxides; Fundamentals of processing
Daido, Hiroyuki*; Yamada, Tomonori
The decommissioning of Fukushima and the contribution to reconstruction have become national issues. The authors participated in the "Analysis of fine particles generated by laser processing and development of nuclide identification method" (represented by Professor Shuichi Hasegawa of the University of Tokyo), which was adopted as one of the JAEA's publicly solicited projects for this purpose, from FY 2018 to FY 2021 as a subcontractor, The authors conducted research on the observation, evaluation and analysis of the interaction between lasers and various laser-irradiated targets. This report outlines the results of the research in which the authors took part. In the experiments, laser irradiation was carried out on test specimens set up in an irradiation chamber, and shadowgraphs were taken using a high-speed camera and a He-Ne laser. As an example of the experimental results, shadowgraphs of metal (stainless steel) and metal oxide (zirconia), irradiation traces after laser irradiation, and the relationship between laser irradiation power and jet mass are shown, and the interaction between the laser and the metal or metal oxide is discussed. The results will not only contribute to the decommissioning technology of the Fukushima Daiichi NPP, but also to laser processing technology and laser interaction research.