※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Safety evaluation of decay heat removal characteristics in a pool-type sodium-cooled fast reactor

時崎 美奈子*; 谷 明洋*; 安藤 将人*; 小野田 雄一 

Tokizaki, Minako*; Tani, Akihiro*; Ando, Masato*; Onoda, Yuichi


Decay heat removal characteristics were evaluated for the Pool-Type Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor (600 MWe class power) under the categories of Anticipated Operational Occurrences (AOO) and Design Basis Accidents (DBA), and it is expected that the integrity of the core fuel and coolant boundary can be ensured in light of the safety criteria. In addition, from the viewpoint of robustness confirmation of decay heat removal function, decay heat removal characteristics of immersion type DRACS during independent operation were evaluated, and the prospect of core cooling by natural circulation was obtained.



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