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Report No.

Magnetic excitation in the $$S$$=1/2 Ising-like antiferromagnetic chain CsCoCl$$_{3}$$ in longitudinal magnetic fields studied by high-field ESR measurements

Kimura, Shojiro*; Onishi, Hiroaki  ; Okunishi, Koichi*; Akaki, Mitsuru*; Narumi, Yasuo*; Hagiwara, Masayuki*; Kindo, Koichi*; Kikuchi, Hikomitsu*

High-field electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements were performed on the $$S$$=1/2 Ising-like antiferromagnetic chain CsCoCl$$_{3}$$ in the frequency range up to 4.4THz and magnetic fields for $$H parallel c$$ up to 53T. We observed softening of the spinon excitation, which drives the spin chain into the quantum critical state at the critical field $$H_{c}$$=33.0T. Above $$H_{c}$$, we observed the string excitation at the wave number $$q$$=$$pi$$, which is characteristic of the $$S$$=1/2 spin chain in the quantum critical state in the magnetic fields. We also observed a crossover of the string excitation to the magnon bound state above the saturation fields $$H_{s}$$=43.9T upon increasing the magnetic fields. Finally, we discuss how the string excitation and magnon bound state can be excited by the electric dipole transition due to spin quadrupolar resonance.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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