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Report No.

Characterization of mineral composition using PIXE and EXAFS analyses to elucidate the Barium adsorption mechanism

Oguri, Kaori ; Hagura, Naoto*; Yamaguchi, Akiko  ; Okumura, Masahiko   ; Matsuura, Haruaki*; Tsunashima, Yasumichi; Aoki, Katsumi; Arai, Yoichi  ; Watanabe, So  

Ningyo-toge is the uranium mine that has been operated in Japan. Various radioactive elements such as Uranium (U), and Radium (Ra) are still present in the mine ground water with very small amount, and behavior of those elements is not fully understood. In this study, we investigated the composition of metal oxides and clay minerals in a soil of slag deposit at the mine, and systematics of adsorption structure of various ions were examined. Identifying the composition and chemical forms of minerals present in the soil of slag can provide useful information for the safety assessment and evaluation of influence on the surrounding environment.



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