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Report No.

Study on simulation code for transverse instabilities for the J-PARC MR

Yoshimura, Nobuyuki*; Toyama, Takeshi*; Shobuda, Yoshihiro   ; Nakamura, Takeshi*; Omi, Kazuhito*; Kobayashi, Aine*; Okada, Masashi*; Sato, Yoichi*; Nakaya, Tsuyoshi*

The J-PARC main ring (MR) will be increased to 1.3 MW. To cope with the increase in beam intensity, the intra-bunch feedback system (IBFB) needs to be upgraded to handle higher frequencies up to about 200 MHz. To evaluate the performance and understand the optimal parameters after this upgrade, we are developing a particle tracking simulation that includes the necessary components. The recoherence period induced by chromaticity between tracking simulations and experiments are compared and it cannot be discribed by the simple simulations, and we investigate what mechanisms explain this result. The shift of synchrotron tune caused by longitudinal wakes using tracking simulations are calculated and it find that introducing the effect of longitudinal wakes only does not explain the recoherence period in the experimental results.



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