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Report No.

X-ray Raman spectroscopy study of ion beam irradiated glassy carbon for in situ observation of light element based catalysts

Matsumura, Daiju   ; Okazaki, Hiroyuki*; Idesaki, Akira*; Ishii, Kenji*; Yamaki, Tetsuya*

X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) is a unique technique for the study of functional materials including metal nanoparticle catalysts. In situ observation by XAFS technique has been widely applied due to the long attenuation length of hard X-ray. However, the observation of XAFS spectra for light element is not easy because the X-ray absorption energy of light element is located at the soft X-ray region whose attenuation length is the order of nm size. X-ray Raman spectroscopy includes the information of XAFS spectra at soft X-ray region, though hard X-ray is employed for both probe and detection. We have applied X-ray Raman spectroscopy technique for the study of ion beam irradiation effect for glassy carbons. The ion beam irradiation enhances the electrocatalytic activity for Pt/C catalysts. We have demonstrated the availability of X-ray Raman spectra for the study of correlation between catalysis and structure for the irradiated carbon materials.



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