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Report No.

Ion beam induced luminescence measurements of porous silica adsorbents containing europium complexes by argon ion beam irradiation

Nakahara, Masaumi; Watanabe, So  ; Yuyama, Takahiro*; Ishizaka, Tomohisa*; Yuri, Yosuke*; Ishii, Yasuyuki*; Yamagata, Ryohei*; Yamada, Naoto*; Koka, Masashi*; Kada, Wataru*; Hagura, Naoto*

An extraction chromatography method has been studied to recover minor actinides from high-level liquid waste. For effective elution of minor actinides in an adsorbent, the structures of complexes are attempted to be evaluated with ion beam induced luminescence. In this study, Eu complexes in the adsorbent were irradiated by Ar$$^{8+}$$ ion beam, and the ion beam induced luminescence spectra of Eu complexes were measured to evaluate the structures of Eu complexes.



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