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Report No.

Structural investigation of simulated waste glass surface drained in operation confirmation test of 3rd TVF glass melter

Nagai, Takayuki  ; Hasegawa, Takehiko*

To reduce the risks posed by stored the high-level radioactive liquid waste (HAW), Tokai Vitrification Facility (TVF) is working to produce the HAW into vitrified bodies. With the aim of steady vitrification of HAW in TVF, the vitrification technology section has manufactured a new 3rd melter with an improved bottom structure and is working to verify the performance of this melter. In this study, solidified glass samples were taken from simulated vitrified bodies produced by flowing molten glass during the bottom drain-out test in the operation confirmation of the TVF 3rd melter. And the properties of the surface layer and fracture surface of the vitrified bodies were evaluated by using Raman spectroscopy, synchrotron radiation XAFS measurement, and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (LA ICP-AES) analysis. As a result of measuring the surface layer and fracture surface of the solidified samples produced on an actual scale, a slight difference was confirmed between the properties of the surface layer and those of the fracture surface. Since the chemical composition of these simulated vitrified bodies does not contain platinum group elements, it is expected that the glass structure of solidified glass samples is different from that of the actual vitrified body. However, this sample measuring was a valuable opportunity to evaluate samples produced by using the direct energized joule heating method. The properties of cullet used the operation confirmation of the TVF 3rd melter and the cullet of another production lot were measured and analyzed in the same manner under the measuring conditions of solidified glass samples. As a result, it was confirmed that cullet with different producing histories have different glass structures even with the same chemical composition, and that differences in glass structures remain in the glass samples after melting these cullet.



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