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Magnetic ordering and structural phase transitions of Nd$$_{3}$$$$T$$$$_{4}$$Sn$$_{13}$$ ($$T$$ = Rh and Ir)

Shimoda, Ami*; Iwasa, Kazuaki*; Kuwahara, Keitaro*; Sagayama, Hajime*; Nakao, Hironori*; Ishikado, Motoyuki*; Ohara, Takashi   ; Nakao, Akiko*; Hoshikawa, Akinori*; Ishigaki, Toru*

Synchrotron X-ray diffraction study revealed that Nd$$_{3}$$$$T$$$$_{4}$$Sn$$_{13}$$ ($$T$$ = Rh and Ir) undergo structural phase transitions characterized by the wave vector $$q$$$$_{rm L}$$=(1/2,1/2,0). Neutron diffraction study revealed antiferromagnetic ordering below $$T$$$$_{rm N}$$ = 1.65 and 1.42 K for Nd$$_{3}$$Rh$$_{4}$$Sn$$_{13}$$ and Nd$$_{3}$$Ir$$_{4}$$Sn$$_{13}$$, respectively, which is similar to that previously reported for Nd$$_{3}$$Co$$_{4}$$Sn$$_{13}$$. These compounds show a magnetic susceptibility saturation behavior below approximately 3 K. The results indicate emergence of anomalous electronic correlation in Nd$$_{3}$$$$T$$$$_{4}$$Sn$$_{13}$$ ($$T$$ = Co, Rh, and Ir) above $$T$$$$_{rm N}$$.



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