※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Microwave plasma-assisted combustion of waste organic solvents


坂本 淳志  ; 渡部 創  ; 山本 剛*; 田中 良*

Sakamoto, Atsushi; Watanabe, So; Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi*; Tanaka, Ryou*

In this study, applicability of the microwave plasma-assisted combustion to the waste solvents treatment was examined on simulated spent solvent comprising normal dodecane, TEHDGA (Tetra2-ehylhexyl diglycolamide), and neodymium (Nd), where Nd was loaded into the solvent through solvent extraction operation from a nitric acid medium and a Nd ion exists as a complex Nd(NO$$_{3}$$)$$_{3}$$(TEHDGA)$$_{2}$$ in the solvent. Organic liquids did not remain inside the apparatus and an ash was collected in the vessel and vacuum tube. Nd was found in the ash by X-ray fluorescence analysis, and the decomposition of the complex might progress as expected. Since the recovery ratio of Nd is poor, optimizations in both operational conditions and the apparatus are currently underway.



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