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Report No.

Latest developments and strategies to compensate for cavity failure in superconducting linacs

Pla$c{c}$ais, A.*; Bouly, F.*; Yee-Rendon, B. 

Reliability is a critical issue in high-power hadron accelerators, especially accelerator-driven hybrid reactors (ADS). As an example, the Japan Atomic Energy Agency-ADS (JAEA-ADS) ADS must have no more than 42 beam interruptions of more than 5 minutes per year. A significant number of failures are caused by acceleration cavities or associated system losses. These can be corrected by realigning the surrounding cavity or part of the accelerator. However, it is difficult to find a setting that compensates for failures within seconds. That's why we developed LightWin, a tool that allows you to pre-create a database of failure scenarios associated with specific linac configurations. This study presents various fault compensation strategies and his LightWin validation studies performed on superconducting linacs at MYRRHA and JAEA-ADS. We also discuss LightWin's versatility and efficiency, as well as the latest advances in low energy and high beam current compensation.



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