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Global full-f gyrokinetic simulations on Fugaku

井戸村 泰宏   

Idomura, Yasuhiro


In this lecture, we provide an overview of the high-performance computing techniques for the global full-f gyrokinetic simulation code GT5D on the Fugaku supercomputer, and discuss the results of numerical experiments conducted using it. Exascale supercomputers such as Fugaku have revealed communication performance bottlenecks due to the improvement in computational performance, particularly in the 16-bit operations provided for machine learning. In this research, we resolved this issue by employing communication-avoiding algorithms that leverage 16-bit operations, leading to a significant acceleration of GT5D. Through numerical experiments on Fugaku, we analyzed the transition phenomena of fusion plasma turbulence, reproduced the complex transport properties of heat, particles, and momentum, and elucidated their underlying physical mechanisms.



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