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Report No.

Feasibility study of power generation system with thermal energy storage by annual simulation

Fujii, Shoma*; Yamano, Hidemasa   ; Hayafune, Hiroki; Ohno, Shuji  

The application of thermal energy storage (TES) in power generation systems is an attractive option that can convert variable renewable energy, or stable heat sources, such as reactor heat from small modular reactors (SMRs), into flexible power output. A molten salt-based TES charging reactor heat from SMRs was considered as a case study of Power to Heat to Power system, and was feasibly investigated by annual simulation. A price-following model was developed to simulate heat charging and discharging operation, in which reactor heat is stably charged and its heat is discharged during periods of high electricity spot prices. Although the annual output is slightly lower than the SMR stand-alone operation due to the low-load operation of the steam turbine, the total revenue increases due to the improvement of the electricity spot price at the time of power selling.



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