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Development of nuclear data processing code FRENDY version 2

Tada, Kenichi   ; Yamamoto, Akio*; Kunieda, Satoshi  ; Konno, Chikara  ; Kondo, Ryoichi   ; Endo, Tomohiro*; Chiba, Go*; Ono, Michitaka*; Tojo, Masayuki*

Nuclear data processing code is important to connect evaluated nuclear data libraries and radiation transport codes. The nuclear data processing code FRENDY version 1 was released in 2019 to generate ACE formatted cross section files with simple input data. After we released FRENDY version 1, many functions were developed, e.g., neutron multi-group cross section generation, explicit consideration of the resonance interference effect among different nuclides in a material, consideration of the resonance upscattering, ACE file perturbation, and modification of ENDF-6 formatted file. FRENDY version 2 was released including these new functions. It generates GENDF and MATXS formatted neutron multi-group cross section files from an ACE formatted cross section file or an evaluated nuclear data file. This paper explains the features of the new functions implemented in FRENDY version 2 and the verification of the neutron multigroup cross section generation function of this code.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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