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Report No.

Optimization in granulation conditions for adsorbent of extraction chromatography

Hasegawa, Kenta; Goto, Ichiro*; Miyazaki, Yasunori  ; Ambai, Hiromu ; Watanabe, So  ; Watanabe, Masayuki; Sano, Yuichi   ; Takeuchi, Masayuki 

JAEA has been working on development of extraction chromatography technology for recovery of trivalent minor actinides (MA(III)) from high-level radioactive waste generated in reprocessing of spent fuel. The technology utilizes porous silica particles with about 50 micrometre diameter for support of adsorbents. Pressure drop of the packed column depends on characteristics of the particle. Large pressure drop of the column is not favorable for safety assessment of the technology although a certain level of the pressure drop is indispensable for excellent separation performance. In this study, we applied a granulation technique using a spray dryer that is widely used in industry, and conducted experiments to find the optimal specifications for silica support particles and conditions for the granulation operation. A basic characterization of the adsorbent prepared from the produced particles was carried out by an adsorption test of simulated high level liquid waste.



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