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Report No.

Prediction of interfacial shear stress and pressure drop in vertical two-phase annular flow

Zhang, H.*; Umehara, Yutaro*; Yoshida, Hiroyuki  ; Mori, Shoji*

The interfacial shear stress and pressure drop of an upward vertical annular flow of nitrogen-water, HFC134a-water, and nitrogen-95% ethanol solution were comprehensively investigated considering the effect of the liquid-gas density ratio and surface tension. A direct link between the disturbance wave height and equivalent sand-grain roughness was noted through the analogy with the famous Moody chart for single-phase turbulent flows. A predictive model of the interfacial friction factor was developed based on this finding. To predict the pressure drop of the annular flow, a new model with good predictive performance for annular flows of various working fluids including steam-water under boiling water reactor operating condition (286$$^{circ}$$C and 7MPa) was proposed.



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