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Report No.

Stress evaluation method by neutron diffraction for HCP-structured magnesium alloy

Harjo, S.   ; Gong, W.   ; Kawasaki, Takuro   

Tensile deformation in situ neutron diffraction of an extruded AZ31 alloy was performed to validate conventional procedures and to develop new procedures for stress evaluation from lattice strains by diffraction measurements of HCP-structured magnesium alloys. Increases in the lattice strains with respect to the applied true stress after yielding largely vary among [${it hk.l}$] grains. The newly proposed procedure of stress evaluation from the lattice strains shows very high accuracy and reliability by weighting the volume fraction of [${it hk.l}$] grains and evaluating them in many [${it hk.l}$] orientations in addition to multiplication by the diffraction elastic constant. When multiple ${it hk.l}$ peaks cannot be obtained simultaneously, we recommend to use the 12.1 peak for stress evaluation.



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