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Report No.

Tracing changes in the cross section of rivers; Cases of the Oigawa and Abekawa rivers

Kawamura, Makoto; Nishiyama, Nariaki  ; Jia, H.*; Koizumi, Yukiko*; Umeda, Koji*; Nakanishi, Toshimichi*

The topography around the river is flat with wide plains near the river mouth, but deep valleys are formed upstream. These differences in topography reflect the relationship between the hardness of the ground, the rate of uplift, and the erosive force of rivers that carve the ground. In this presentation, we will use the topography around the Abe River and Oi River in Shizuoka Prefecture as an example, and introduce a research example in which cross-sectional data of rivers from the coast to the upper reaches are analyzed. The examples introduced in this article will provide clues to the process by which Shizuoka Prefecture's alluvial fan-like coastal plains and upstream relief are formed by uplift of the ground and erosion by rivers.



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