NDA-JAEA collaboration project; sites visited and recommendations for collaboration opportunities
青谷 樹里; McCombs, H.*; 菅谷 篤志
; 田口 茂郎
; 北川 修; 目黒 義弘
; Crowther, M.*
Aoya, Juri; McCombs, H.*; Sugaya, Atsushi; Taguchi, Shigeo; Kitagawa, Osamu; Meguro, Yoshihiro; Crowther, M.*
NDA and JAEA have a collaboration agreement to promote information sharing and best practice in radioactive waste management and decommissioning since 2008. NDA and JAEA have different challenges and approaches to ongoing projects. Both organizations have mutual interest in their respective technologies and experiences since cooperation would be mutual benefit to complete decommissioning and radioactive waste management safely and effectively. Within the collaboration agreement, the presenters visited NDA and JAEA sites to obtain a greater understanding and opportunities to discussion on decommissioning projects. This project aims to identify the potential collaboration areas and challenges, which could be supported by the technologies from another organization. The recommendations for future collaboration opportunities are reported with the current progress towards decommissioning across the NDA and JAEA estates.