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Liquid nitrogen in-line trap for C$$_{2}$$H$$_{5}$$OH liquid target in an ultra-high vacuum


荻原 徳男*; 山本 風海   ; 倉持 勝也*

Ogiwara, Norio*; Yamamoto, Kazami; Kuramochi, Masaya*


An ultra-high vacuum compatible ethanol liquid target is being developed to investigate the reaction products produced by the interaction of a high intensity laser with ethanol. One of the issues to be solved is the need to maintain an ultra-high vacuum in the main chamber for analysis within ~1 m of the liquid target generator, where the reaction chamber containing the generator is planned to be operated about 10 Pa or less. The constraint is to have a straight-through section without obstructions, so that reaction products can fly into the main chamber from the vicinity of the liquid target. In this development, this straight-through section is a cylinder with a diameter of 20 mm, as shown in Fig. 1. We attempted to solve the above problem by installing an in-line liquid nitrogen trap between the reaction chamber and the main chamber and improving the trap.



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