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Report No.

Focusing and spin polarization of atomic hydrogen beam

Nagaya, Yuki*; Nakatsu, Hiroki*; Ogura, Shohei*; Shimazaki, Kota*; Ueta, Hirokazu   ; Takeyasu, Kotaro*; Fukutani, Katsuyuki

We have developed a spin-polarized-hydrogen beam with a hexapole magnet. By combining the beam chopper and pulsed laser ionization detection, the time-of-flight of the hydrogen beam was measured, and the dependence of the beam profile on the velocity was acquired, which was consistent with the beam trajectory simulations. The spin polarization of the beam was analyzed by using the Stern-Gerlach-type magnet in combination with the spatial scan of the detection laser. The spin polarization was about 95% at a focusing condition due to the hexapole magnet. The polarization was, on the other hand, reduced to about 70% for the beam at higher velocities, which is consistent with simulation results.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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