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Report No.

Acoustic Rashba-Edelstein effect

Funato, Takumi*; Matsuo, Mamoru

We theoretically study the mechanical induction of the spin density via the Rashba spin--orbit interaction (SOI). The spin density in the linear response to lattice distortion dynamics is calculated based on the microscopic theory. We reveal that there are two mechanisms of spin induction: one is the acoustic Edelstein effect (AEE) from the acceleration of the lattice dynamics and the other is caused by the Rashba spin-vorticity coupling (RSVC). We find that the AEE induces a more efficient spin-to-charge conversion in comparison with the conventional electric Edelstein effect. The induced spin density due to the RSVC is expressed as a Berry curvature-like quantity; therefore, it can be attributed to the spatial symmetry breaking due to the Rashba SOI. Our work demonstrates high-efficiency spin generation in Rashba systems.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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