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Report No.

Development of high-fidelity multi-physics platform JAMPAN

Tada, Kenichi   ; Kondo, Ryoichi   ; Kamiya, Tomohiro ; Nagatake, Taku ; Ono, Ayako ; Nagaya, Yasunobu  ; Yoshida, Hiroyuki  

JAEA has developed a new high-fidelity multi-physics platform JAMPAN for connecting single-physics codes such as a neutronics code and a thermal-hydraulics code. It consists of the HDF5 formatted data container and input and output data handler modules to generate the input file and read the output file of the single-physics code. Users can easily add or exchange the code by implementing input and output data handler modules for this code. The first target of JAMPAN is the coupling of neutronics and thermal-hydraulics calculations to provide reference results of core analysis codes. The current version of JAMPAN couples the neutronics code MVP and the thermal-hydraulics codes JUPITER, ACE-3D, and NASCA. Users can select the thermal-hydraulics code depending on the scale of problems to be solved, computational performance, and so on. This presentation explains the overview of JAMPAN and shows the results of the neutronics and thermal-hydraulics coupling calculation.



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