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Probing strain and doping along a graphene wrinkle using tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

Balois-Oguchi, M. V.*; 早澤 紀彦*; 保田 諭   ; 池田 勝佳*; Nguyen, T. Q.*; Esca$~n$o, M. C.*; 田中 拓男*

Balois-Oguchi, M. V.*; Hayazawa, Norihiko*; Yasuda, Satoshi; Ikeda, Katsuyoshi*; Nguyen, T. Q.*; Esca$~n$o, M. C.*; Tanaka, Takuo*


Micrometer-sized wrinkles in graphene are known to affect the electronic properties of graphene due to their shape and the strain variations they create. Here, we analyze the strain distribution and doping of a graphene wrinkle having 1.9 nm width using tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) in ambient conditions. We found a strong correlation between the TERS images of the graphene wrinkle and the electronic Raman scattering (eRS) of the Au(111) substrate. Our work demonstrates that the as-fabricated physical and electronic properties of nanometer-sized features, such as wrinkles, can be probed and studied in detail with TERS which is essential for nanodevice characterization.



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分野:Chemistry, Physical



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