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Report No.

Measurement of beta, gamma, and neutron radiation using an alpha imager based on a CCD camera and discrimination from alpha particles

Morishita, Yuki   ; Sagawa, Naoki; Fujisawa, Makoto; Kurosawa, Shunsuke*; Sasano, Makoto*; Hayashi, Masateru*; Tanaka, Hiroki*

This study reports the effects of different types of radiation on a high-resolution alpha imager, developed using an Electron Multiplying Charge-Coupled Device (EMCCD) camera. The imager was originally designed to visualize Pu oxide particles in decommissioning sites, where other types of radiation such as beta particles, gamma-rays, and neutrons are also present. The study aims to confirm the effects of these radiations on the imager and to develop a discrimination method between alpha particles and other radiations. The measurement of alpha particles, beta particles, gamma-rays, and neutrons were performed. The discrimination method was based on the characteristics of the image distribution, where the image values were binarized and a Gaussian filter was applied to count the number of alpha particle spots. The results show that it is possible to discriminate between alpha and gamma (neutron) rays using the difference in intensity. The study provides important information for the development of radiation detection techniques in decommissioning sites.



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