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Decay properties of $$P$$-wave bottom baryons within light-cone sum rules


Yang, H.-M.*; Chen, H.-X.*; Cui, E.-L.*; 保坂 淳; Mao, Q.*

Yang, H.-M.*; Chen, H.-X.*; Cui, E.-L.*; Hosaka, Atsushi; Mao, Q.*

We use the method of light-cone sum rules to study decay properties of $$P$$-wave bottom baryons belonging to the $$SU(3)$$ flavor 6$$_{F}$$ representation. In Cui et al. (Phys Rev D 99:094021, 2019) we have studied their mass spectrum and pionic decays, and found that the $$Sigma_{b}$$(6097) and $$Xi_{b}$$(6227) can be well interpreted as $$P$$-wave bottom baryons of $$J^{P}$$ = 3/2$$^{-}$$. In this paper we further study their decays into ground-state bottom baryons and vector mesons. We propose to search for a new state $$Xi_{b}$$(5/2$$^{-}$$), that is the $$J^{P}$$ = 5/2$$^{-}$$ partner state of the $$Xi_{b}$$(6227), in the $$Xi_{b}$$(5/2$$^{-}$$)$$rightarrow$$ $$Xi_{b}$$*$$rho$$ $$rightarrow$$ $$Xi_{b}$$*$$pi$$ $$pi$$ decay process. Its mass is 12$$pm$$5 MeV larger than that of the $$Xi_{b}$$(6227).



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分野:Physics, Particles & Fields



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