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Report No.

Form factors of hadrons from holographic QCD

Fujii, Daisuke; Iwanaka, Akihiro*

The form factor is an important physical quantity for the elucidation of the internal structure of hadrons because it incorporates information about the internal structure of the extended particles. Recently, the gravitational form factor, which characterizes the matrix element of the energy-momentum tensor, has been experimentally observed, and its theoretical understanding has been attracting much attention. In this presentation, we will present our recent results on the gravitational form factor of vector mesons and the stress distribution obtained from it using the Sakai-Sugimoto model, which is a top-down approach to holographic QCD. We are the first to formulate the gravitational form factor of a vector meson using the Sakai-Sugimoto model. As a result, we succeeded in finding a deep relationship between the stability condition of the stress distribution of the vector meson and the glueball spectra.



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