Development of a control system for core-sampling USV that combines Sliding Mode Control and neural network
森戸 誠*; 藤井 俊*; 吉村 洸貴*; 眞田 幸尚
; 馬場 尚一郎*; 松永 浩志*; 森 尚仁*; 佐藤 憲一郎*; 田原 淳一郎*
Morito, Makoto*; Fujii, Shun*; Yoshimura, Koki*; Sanada, Yukihisa; Baba, Shoichiro*; Matsunaga, Hiroshi*; Mori, Naohito*; Sato, Keiichiro*; Tahara, Junichiro*
無人採泥船(USV: Unmanned Surface Vehicle)の研究を行っており、福島第一原子力発電所近海の海底の放射線量調査を目標としている。このUSVは船上からコアサンプラとセンサを降下させ海底の砂泥のサンプリングと計測を行う。この時、調査機器と船体をつなぐケーブルの破断を防ぐために、船の位置や方位を保持する制御を行う。しかし、この位置、方位保持制御はいくつかの問題を持つ。・フィールドが海であり、風や波浪といった大きな外乱・外乱に強い制御手法では事前に運動モデルの作成が必要・船体から大質量の調査機器を投下するなどによる運動特性の変化これらの問題を解決することが重要である。そのため、外乱に強いSMC (Sliding Mode Controller)とニューラルネットワーク(NN)を組み合わせた制御手法が提案されている。そこで、既存の制御手法(SMC)に加算する補正入力としてNN制御を組み合わせる。本NN制御は目標の状態と現在の状態の差から補正入力を算出することで、現在の外乱や運動特性に合わせた補正入力を算出する。本研究で提案する手法は船体制御のためにSMCを1つと
We are conducting research on an unmanned surface vehicle (USV) with the goal of investigating radiation levels on the seafloor near the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. This USV will be used to sample and measure the sand and mud on the seafloor by lowering a core sampler and sensors from the ship. At this time, the ship's position and heading are controlled to prevent breakage of the cables connecting the survey equipment and the ship's hull. However, this position and heading holding control has several problems. The field is the sea, and large disturbances such as winds and waves are expected to occur. Therefore, a control method that combines a disturbance-resistant sliding mode controller (SMC) and a neural network (NN) has been proposed. Therefore, NN control is combined as a correction input to be added to the existing control method (SMC). This NN control calculates the correction input based on the difference between the target state and the current state, which is tailored to the current disturbance and motion characteristics. The method proposed in this study uses one SMC and two NNs with
dot for hull control. Here,
dot are the control parameters of the SMC. Specifically, two NN controls are used such that
dot are set to zero and controlled as correction inputs. This makes it possible to respond to sudden changes in
due to chattering of
or sudden disturbances. In simulations and sea trials using an actual machine, we confirmed that the proposed method using SMC and two NNs reduces oscillatory motion, and that it can hold position and hold angle well at the target point.