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Report No.

Magnetic boson peak in classical spin glasses

Kofu, Maiko   ; Kawamura, Seiko   ; Murai, Naoki  ; Ishii, Rieko*; Hirai, Daigoro*; Arima, Hiroshi*; Funakoshi, Kenichi*

We revisited spin dynamics in archetypical classical spin glass systems, such as Cu$$_{1-x}$$Mn$$_{x}$$ ($$x = 0.017$$, 0.034, and 0.067) dilute alloys and iron aluminosilicate glass using a modern neutron scattering spectrometer with high neutron flux. The former is crystalline, and the latter is amorphous, where their spin glass state is well separated from magnetically ordered phases. Bose-scaled localized magnetic excitations were observed in both compounds below the spin-freezing temperature ($$T_{rm f}$$). The spectrum exhibits a maximum at low energy and a broad tail on the high-energy side. The excitation energy tends to be higher for the material with a higher $$T_{rm f}$$. Above the $$T_{rm f}$$, the spectrum considerably changes with temperature, thereby indicating the emergence of the magnetic relaxation process. The magnetic excitation in the spin glass state has much in common with the boson peak in structural glasses. We consider that the Bose-scaled broad excitation peak is an elementary excitation inherent in disordered systems.



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