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Relativistic corrections to decays of heavy baryons in the quark model


Arifi, A. J.*; 末永 大輝*; 保坂 淳

Arifi, A. J.*; Suenaga, Daiki*; Hosaka, Atsushi

We investigate relativistic corrections of an order 1/m$$^{2}$$, where m is the constituent quark mass, to heavy baryon decays by emitting one pseudoscalar meson in the quark model. This work is motivated by shortcomings in the previous studies in the nonrelativistic quark model for decays of the Roper-like states, such as $$Lambda$$$$_{c}$$(2765). We find that the relativistic corrections due to the internal motion of quarks are essential ingredients in improving their decay properties, such that the decay widths are significantly increased. In addition, such corrections can explain a phenomenological suppression of the quark axial-vector coupling constant $$g$$$$_A^{q}$$ for the $$Sigma$$$$_{c}$$(2455) and $$Sigma$$$$_{c}$$(2520) decays.



- Accesses




分野:Astronomy & Astrophysics



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