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Exotic properties of $$N^*(1895)$$ and its impact on photoproduction of light hyperons


Khemchandani, K. P.*; Mart$'i$nez Torres, A.*; Kim, S.-H.*; Nam, S.-I.*; 保坂 淳

Khemchandani, K. P.*; Mart$'i$nez Torres, A.*; Kim, S.-H.*; Nam, S.-I.*; Hosaka, Atsushi

In this work, we outline the findings of our recent study of the properties of $$N^*(1895)$$ and its consequential impacts on the cross-sections of the photoproduction of $$Lambda$$(1405). Further, we discuss the possibility of the existence of an isovector state with a mass similar to $$Lambda$$(1405), which we refer to as $$Sigma$$(1400). With the idea of motivating experimental investigations of $$Sigma$$(1400), we have studied its photo-production process and determined the respective cross-sections and polarization observables. We have studied also the coupling of $$N^*(1895)$$ to $$K$$$$Sigma$$(1400) and found that it gives an important contribution to the cross-sections near the threshold. In the process, we have determined the branching ratios of the decay of $$N^*(1895)$$ to the final states involving $$Lambda$$(1405) and $$Sigma$$(1400) to be in the range of 6-7 MeV. Our findings can motivate the consideration of alternative processes in partial wave analyses of experimental data when studying the properties of $$N^*(1895)$$.



- Accesses




分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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