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Report No.

Development of advanced neutronics/thermal-hydraulics coupling simulation system, 10; Multi-assemblies coupling calculation using MVP/NASCA

Tada, Kenichi   ; Kondo, Ryoichi   ; Kamiya, Tomohiro ; Nagatake, Taku ; Ono, Ayako ; Nagaya, Yasunobu  ; Yoshida, Hiroyuki  

JAEA has developed the multi-physics platform JAMPAN. In the previous presentation, we demonstrated a BWR single fuel assembly calculation by the coupling calculation of the continuous energy Monte Carlo calculation code MVP and the subchannel analysis code NASCA. The final goal of the MVP/NASCA coupling calculation is the whole core analysis. To achieve this, we implemented the flow rate calibration function in JAMPAN for the MVP/NASCA coupling calculation of the BWR multi-fuel assembly geometry.



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