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Annual report for FY2022 on the activities of radiation safety in Nuclear Science Research Institute etc. (April 1, 2022 - March 31, 2023)

原子力科学研究所 放射線管理部; 青森研究開発センター 保安管理課

Department of Radiation Protection, Nuclear Science Research Institute; Nuclear Facilities Management Section, Aomori Research and Development Center


This annual report describes the activities in the 2022 fiscal year of Department of Radiation Protection in Nuclear Science Research Institute, Harima Synchrotron Radiation Radioisotope Laboratory and Nuclear Facilities Management Section in Aomori Research and Development Center. The activities described are environmental monitoring, radiation protection practices in workplaces, individual monitoring, maintenance of monitoring instruments, and research and development of radiation protection. At these institutes the occupational exposures did not exceed the dose limits. The radioactive gaseous and liquid discharges from the facilities were well below the prescribed limits. The research and development activities produced certain results in the fields of radiation protection technique.



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