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 年 ~ 

Low-energy heavy-ion reaction


西尾 勝久   

Nishio, Katsuhisa

Multinucleon transfer (MNT) reaction is attracting interest as a method to produce neutron-rich heavy nuclei. In contrast to fusion reaction, the reaction process is complicated, and one needs to know the mechanism in detail to efficiently produce the nuclei of interest by optimizing the experimental conditions. Furthermore, there should be an optimal angle relative to the beam direction to detect evaporation residues (ERs). We have started an experimental program to study MNT reactions by separating ERs in flight using the Recoil Mass Separator (RMS), installed at the JAEA tandem facility. For the first time, we have separated the ERs produced in the MNT reaction in heavy-ion collisions at various angles, and the on-line alpha-decay measurement was carried out at the focal plane silicon detector. The experimental data will be discussed.



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