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Report No.

Development of a coupled fluid-structure benchmark code for the design tool of the beam window in the accelerator-driven system

Yamashita, Susumu   ; Kondo, Nao; Sugawara, Takanori  ; Yoshida, Hiroyuki  

In order to achieve rational and efficient beam window (BW) design for ADS by minimal experiments and maximum use of computational science, JAEA has developed design tools to evaluate thermal-hydraulics and mechanical deformation with ANSYS Fluent and ANSYS Mechanical, respectively. When designing with these tools, it is necessary to consider the adequacy of the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) model and the computational grid used to evaluate the thermal-hydraulic field depending on the specifications. In this study, we developed a coupled fluid-structure benchmark code using the detailed thermal-hydraulic analysis code JUPITER and the open-source finite element method code FrontISTR to perform the consideration without experiments. In this talk, an overview of the coupled fluid-structure analysis platform using JUPITER and FrontISTR and examples of analyses will be presented.



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