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Report No.

Characterization of microstructures and internal stresses of structural metals during deformation using operando neutron diffraction

Harjo, S.   ; Kawasaki, Takuro   ; Gong, W.   ; Miyamoto, Goro*

Pulsed neutron diffraction with the time-of-flight method is suitable for microscopic structural observation as a bulk average behavior because of the simultaneous measurement of multiple Bragg peaks. The large penetrating power of neutrons also allows in-situ investigation of crystallographic information on engineering materials under various environments, including operando monitoring during deformation at a wide temperature range from cryogenic to high temperatures, thermo-mechanical processes, and so on. The pulsed neutron diffraction with the time-of-flight method will be briefly introduced, and a pulsed neutron diffractometer for engineering materials studies in J-PARC with some highlighted researches using operando observations will be introduced.



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