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Report No.

Ion tracks and nanohillocks created in natural zirconia irradiated with swift heavy ions

Ishikawa, Norito   ; Fukuda, Shoma   ; Nakajima, Toru   ; Ogawa, Hiroaki  ; Fujimura, Yuki; Taguchi, Tomitsugu*

Natural monoclinic zirconia (baddeleyite) was irradiated with 340-MeV Au ions, and the irradiation-induced nanostructures (i.e., ion tracks and nanohillocks) were observed using transmission electron microscopy. The diameter of the nanohillocks is approximately 10 nm, which is similar to the maximum molten region size calculated using the analytical thermal spike model. Ion tracks are imaged as strained regions that maintain their crystalline structure. The cross-sections of most of the ion tracks are imaged as parallelopiped or rectangular contrasts as large as 10 nm. These results strongly indicate that the molten region is recrystallized anisotropically, reflecting the lattice structure. Furthermore, low-density track cores are formed in the center of the ion tracks. The formation of low-density track cores can be attributed to the ejection of molten matter toward the surface.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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