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Development of time-series point cloud data changes and automatic structure recognition system using Unreal Engine

Kato, Toru*; Takahashi, Hiroki*; Yamashita, Meguru*; Doi, Akio*; Imabuchi, Takashi  

We have researched and developed a point cloud processing system on the Unreal Engine that recognizes changes between large time-series point cloud data measured by a laser scanner and performs structured data extraction. When associating time-series point cloud data with structural information (pipes, tanks, etc.) of each point cloud, CAD data (structural data) is currently created interactively by humans. Unreal Engine is a game engine that excels in visualization of 3D information and is suitable for checking updated data and automating procedures. We developed a user interface that automatically performs a series of update procedures at the touch of a button, and evaluated the effectiveness of the interface.



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